II International Meeting on Histories of Nature and Environments: Shaping Landscapes , next 21-22 november
Deadline: 15/05/2019
The Centre for History (CH-ULisboa) of the University of Lisbon, the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) of the NOVA University of Lisbon and the Centre for Administration and Public Policies (CAPP) of the University of Lisbon are pleased to be hosting the 2nd International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: Shaping Landscapes in Autumn 2019.
Over the centuries, different aspects of the human / natural world relationship have shaped a wide range of landscapes. In the broad sense, landscapes mirror the synthesis of interactions between peoples and places, reflects circulation of knowledge and technology and materialise the development and adaptation of human's societies across time and space. They are geographic realities, but also cultural ones. From these complex and multifaceted interconnections results the recognition of landscapes as a structural component of natural, historical, cultural and scientific heritage and a vital element in the creation of each community's identity.
Following the first meeting in 2017 and the discussion on the interaction between humans and the natural world, this second reunion aims to address this relationship by bringing the broad concept of landscape into the discussion, considering that landscape also serves as a historical testimony and a fundamental source for the study of the past. A knowledge that can shed a light in the long-term relationship between humans and nature, essential in the current challenging contexts of environmental changes.
Suggested but not exclusive main topics:
Animals and landscapes
Environmental and Climate change and Human impacts
Landscape as a living archive
Literary landscapes and soundscapes
Natural and Cultural Landscapes
Natural History and Science
Society and Environment
Waterscapes and Littoral changes
Submission of abstracts
The conference is open to submissions from any discipline with interests in these fields. Potential participants should submit a proposal filling out the online form available at
http://www.centrodehistoria-flul.com/hneshapinglandscapes.html#form by May 15, 2019.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance by July 1, 2019.
The abstracts accepted will be published on-line. Maximum allotted time for presentations is 15 minutes.
For further information, please contact ihnemeeting2019@gmail.com.
Ana Cristina Roque (CH-ULisboa)
Ana Marcelino (CH-ULisboa)
Cecilia Veracini (CAPP - ISCSP-UL)
Cristina Brito (CHAM– NOVA FCSH & APCM)
Joana Gaspar de Freitas (CH-ULisboa)
Nina Vieira (CHAM – NOVA FCSH & APCM)
John McNeill (Georgetown University)
Virginia Richter (University of Bern)
Helge Jörgens (ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)